Death & Taxes. Let PrizeGrab help you beat one!

Being responsible is a necessary evil! It's part of growing up, but it's also part of why we play sweepstakes. Big cash prizes can help you pay for groceries, new clothes and even your taxes. Not always the most exciting, but it comes with the thrill of victory.
People always want to win for the sheer joy and thought of free spending on yourself, but for many PrizeGrabbers their reality is paying for the necessities in life and we are happy to help. Here's some of the ideas I've received from PrizeGrabbers on some of the responsible things the would purchase if they won.
Helloooooo delicious food!
You could use a gift card or cash to buy groceries!When Rachel S. of Marble Falls, TX and I spoke, she let me know she wanted a grocery store gift card. As a busy Mom of 6 beautiful children, "food is our most need, and that is all nothing fancy just food". It's so great to hear all our PrizeGrabber parents, grandparents, and caregivers wanting to provide for their family! :)
Bye, Bye Bills!

The Satisfaction in a Smile!

But would you actually be responsible?
I know it, and I'm going to prove it to you! You've inspired me to write this and share something responsible, even though I can't win PrizeGrab's sweepstakes! So, I'll count on you guys to do the winning!
I want to tell you about one PrizeGrabber who did exactly what you and I are talking about! He did something responsible with his BIG CASH winnings. And, I bet he felt great afterwards.
Everyone, meet Gordon G. of Temecula, CA, our most recent and responsible winner so far. Gordon won our $1,000 Super Cash Highway prize! Congrats!
When we let Gordon know he won, he seemed a little surprised. "Is this True?". I was so excited to tell him how true this was and hear his reaction!!
We told him that, yes, he won, and he told me he was a FIRST TIME WINNER, "I've never won anything in my life. But, this sure comes at a much needed time."
We are happy to hear the excitement of a first-time winner and provide prizes that truly help. Especially when they need it.
I asked him what he would do with his winnings, and he told us that he hadn't "been back home to Rochester, NY in 4 years to see my family and my 5 grandchildren because of finances". At this point, I figured that was where all his money would go!
A nice summer vacation in Rochester seeing your family, who wouldn't want that?
Gordon confirmed he received his check a couple days later and told us "Thank you so much PrizeGrab for fulfilling my dream."
That was so nice of him to say, but when I asked him what he spent his prize on, he kind of shocked me and said he'd do something responsible with the cash, "I guess I'm just paying back taxes with it, but it helps."
What an awesome idea! I always have a hard time spending my money on things I know I need. What an inspiration to take care of yourself completely before spending all of your money.
So what responsible thing would you do if you won?
When you win a prize, be it cash, a gift card, or even a physical item, there are so many ways you can use it responsibly! I'd love to hear more responsible ideas from you guys! And, to spark your thoughts, here's a question! If you won this $1,000 scholarship, would you use it for your schooling, a friend, or a family member? Tell us about them! :) Have a blessed day!